Labor and Employment

In the rapidly developing world of AI, federal regulators are again signaling that businesses and HR managers cannot depend on a “data made me do it” defense to employment decisions made with the help of AI systems. Expanding on guidance it released in May, the US Department of Labor (DOL) issued new guidance on October

If the technological developments of this decade are to be described in two (or actually, three) words, they will be, without a doubt, (generative) artificial intelligence. AI is everywhere these days: it’s in the news, it’s on our phones, it’s writing your mum’s Christmas cards … there is no escaping it. But how much (gen)AI

As we have previously reported about (here and here), 2024 has been a historic year in the United States for state legislation aimed at protecting employees from harm arising out of the use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems. In May, Colorado passed the first US law addressing algorithmic discrimination in private sector use

We recently wrote about Colorado’s historic law aimed at protecting, among others, employees and employment applicants from harm arising out of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Although Colorado is the first state to pass legislation addressing AI-based discrimination, similar bills have been proposed in at least six other states as well as at

On May 17, 2024, Colorado became the first U.S. state to pass a law aimed at protecting consumers from harm arising out of the use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems. Senate Bill 24-205, or the “CAIA,” is designed to regulate the private-sector use of AI systems and will impose obligations on Colorado employers, including

The use of ChatGPT and its peers to make work easier and faster – whether permitted, tolerated or prohibited – is already part of everyday working life in many companies. However, the spread of that technology has raced far ahead of the law so the legal consequences of that use (employment rights and obligations, data

Workplace monitoring has become a matter of particular contention in recent years. In a world where remote and hybrid working practices have become the norm, many employers have concerns about what their employees are actually doing while ‘at work’ elsewhere. This has led to an increasing amount of discussion about monitoring employees who are working